Tag Archives: non toxic

Coupon code to celebrate new website launch

9 Sep

To celebrate the launch of our new website for our MG Naturals Organic 100% Titanium Dioxide free make up products we are offering you all 20% off all orders over $15.

So now is the time to stock up on all your make up.

To redeem your discount simply type WP20 at the checkout.

Visit our new store here

And just in case your on the fence about purchasing watch this great review of our make up products by thehomespunmum

DIY Natural dish washing detergent

26 Sep

I am a Mama trying to Go Natural.

I am by no means a perfect Mama & I fail (a lot) at the whole “going natural” thing.


One area that has been weighing on my mind lately is “the washing of our dishes” you see I am kind of addicted (yes, I said addicted!) to my bright green store brought (very, very un-natural) dish washing liquid.

It bubbles, it froths, it smells so clean, it cuts through grease & leaves my dishes gleaming. But it is made from ingredients that are known endocrine disruptors & possible carcinogens.

And we are eating & drinking it’s residue off our cups, plates & cutlery. Well no more!!

After much research & trialling several different home made detergent variations I have found our new “more natural” way to wash the dishes.

Does it smell as good as my store brought dishwashing liquid – YES. Does it cut through grease the same – NO. Does it froth & bubble the same – Sadly NO.

BUT, although it takes a little more effort to wash the dishes it is a small price to pay for the health of my family.

So my addiction to the lovely bright green detergent has been broken.

Now I know a lot of recipes that are floating around the internet call for washing soda & borax in them & seemingly these products make for nice, clean shiny dishes. But on the side of my packet of electric washing soda it says “wear gloves when using”. Now  I don’t wear gloves when washing our dishes nor when eating off them!. I think that any product that calls for the usage of gloves should not be ingested in any form – that is just my personal opinion. I know that many claim that borax is fine to use, but the Environmental Working Group claim that it is an endocrine disruptor amongst other nasty things, so I just don’t feel 100% comfortable using it. If I am going to be ok with using a hormone disrupting product- I will stick with my bright green dish washing liquid!

So my dish washing powder does not use either borax or washing soda & as a result may not work as good as other recipes – but it is healthier & that is the object of the exercise after all.

Dish Washing Powder a’la Mama Going Natural

  • 1 Plain bar of  Soap (I use sunlight soap here in Australia, I hear it is on a par with Dr Bronners)
  • 2/3 cup Bicarb soda
  • 3 Tablespoons Salt
  • 20 drops Eucalyptus oil
  • 10 drops Lemon oil

I have a thermomix style machine that just eats bars of soap. So I place all the ingredients in my thermomix & blend for 30seconds on power 10 & viola you have yummy smelling dish washing detergent, that is the consistency of laundry powder. Keep it in airtight sealed jar & try not to introduce any moisture to it or you will end up with damp, clumpy soap mush.

This soap powder can be made in any blender or food processor (you just might want to pre-chop your soap bar) or at a pinch you could grate your soap bar & mix in with the other ingredients, I just don’t think it will melt into the water the same.


How to Use

I am lucky to live in a home with a double sink so I fill one sink with hot water & 1 teaspoon of our dishwashing powder – to wash the dishes in & the other with some water with a dash of white vinegar – to rinse my clean dishes in. I find this helps to remove that greasy feel that you get from using natural soap. If I have a burnt pot (who me 😉 ) then I add 1/2 a teaspoon of powder direct to the pot & scour it to get it clean. If there are quite a few dishes to wash sometimes I have to let the washing water out & re-fill the sink, so that there is enough soap power to get them all clean.

How do you wash your dishes, what are your green cleaning recipes, I would love to hear them.


Make your own natural deodorant – that works!

12 May

Its a fact of life here in Sunny Queensland, it is impossible not to sweat.

Deodorant becomes a necessary evil, its either deodorant or your very own personal space bubble.

Deodorant seems to be the more social of the two choices.

But I am sick of rubbing toxic deodorant full of aluminium, formaldehyde & parabens into my pits each morning – it may ward off odours and keep my friends close but, what is it doing to my health??

Aluminum can cause kidney problems, formaldehyde is a known carcinogen and parabens can cause problems for our endocrine system.

So instead of rubbing this toxic cocktail into my lymph nodes, I decided to make a safe deodorant that contains no nasties, is easy to use & WORKS!

 One application in the morning keeps me fresh all day. The hard bars are easy to apply & easy to store. No white marks or stains on clothes. But the biggest thing is NO SMELL!
Natural Deodorant Bars a’la Mama Going Natural
You will need:
  • 6 T Coconut oil
  • 4 T bicarb soda
  • 4 T Arrowroot
  • 1 1/2 T beeswax
  • 15 drops Lavender essential oil
  • 15 drops Rosemary essential oil
  • 20 drops Lemon essential oil
  • 15 drops Grapefruit essential oil
Place your coconut oil & beeswax in a glass jar and put the jar into a saucepan of simmering water. Stir occasionally until all of your beeswax melts.
Take your jar out of the saucepan of water & let cool slightly. When the mixture has cooled to approximately 40 degrees (when it feels warm but not too hot on your fingers) add all of the other ingredients & stir well to combine.
Pour your mix into muffin, soap or chocolate moulds & leave to harden.
This recipe makes six bars, so there will be enough to share. It has a gorgeous citrus botanical scent with just a hint of coconut. If you want to make a more unisex variation add some tea tree oil in place of the Lavender & you will get a citrus wood scent that your man will be happy to wear.
Keep unused bars in a tin or wrapped in wax paper in a cool dark place till needed.
To use simply rub your yummy scented deodorant bar under your arms & leave to dry for a few minutes before putting on your clothing – that way you can ensure you won’t get any white marks on your clothing.
If your in a very hot climate keep your bars in a soap tin & scoop out a small amount with your fingers & rub it where needed!